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 goodly ['gʊdlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 漂亮的, 颇大的, 不错的, 好的, 讨人喜欢的

  1. A goodly part of her income went on travel.
  2. A goodly number of people came to the play.
  3. A goodly part of her income went on travel.

goodlier, goodliest
[ adj ]
large in amount or extent or degree
it cost a considerable amounta goodly amount
received a hefty bonus
a respectable sum
a tidy sum of money
a sizable fortune

Goodly \Good"ly\, adv.
Excellently. [Obs.] --Spenser.

Goodly \Good"ly\, a. [Compar. {Goodlier}; superl. {Goodliest}.]
[OE. godlich, AS. g[=o]dlic. See {Good}, and {Like}.]
1. Pleasant; agreeable; desirable.

We have many goodly days to see. --Shak.

2. Of pleasing appearance or character; comely; graceful; as,
a goodly person; goodly raiment, houses.

The goodliest man of men since born. --Milton.

3. Large; considerable; portly; as, a goodly number.

Goodly and great he sails behind his link. --Dryden.

  1. The Tennessee senator and Jesse Jackson each won a goodly share of the states and the delegates available Tuesday, splintering the standings among the Democratic hopefuls with Dukakis.
  2. It is arguable that a goodly portion of the crowd at any hockey game comes to watch the fights as much as the legitimate action on the ice, and that the NHL is merely giving the people what they want in doubling as a fight promoter.
  3. Sad to say, a goodly portion of the throng that showed up on Friday, the final day, went home feeling cheated.
  4. The "OHHawws" had it by a goodly margin at the U.S. Open over the Olympic Club's snakily beautiful acreage last weekend, and especially on final-round Sunday.
  5. The vote is expected to be razor close, and most Germans believe the most likely outcome is a compromise that leaves a goodly share of ministries and federal jobs where they are.
  6. The result is a goodly crew of about 70 extras, playing alternately the people of Rome and the supporters of Tullus Aufidius.
  7. A goodly number of species and garden varieties will be found in nurseries and sources of supply can be traced via The Plant Finder, a book which makes things easy for gardeners. It is not always understood that bamboos are related to grasses.
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