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 goodies ['gʊdɪ'gʊdɪ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 特别吸引人的东西, 糖果, 好吃的东西, 美味的食品, 令人愉快的东西

    Goody \Good"y\, n.; pl. {Goodies}.
    1. A bonbon, cake, or the like; -- usually in the pl.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) An American fish; the lafayette or spot.

    Goody \Good"y\, n.; pl. {Goodies}. [Prob. contr. from goodwife.]
    Goodwife; -- a low term of civility or sport.

    1. But it would leave enough goodies to go around that hardly anyone need be entirely dissatisfied.
    2. The proposal raises yet another question: how would the capital gains tax reduction and other "goodies" be paid for?
    3. Some companies contract with dealers to deliver goodies such as Danish butter cookies to buyers who fill out factory questionnaires about dealers.
    4. In the current issue, crammed with goodies for these yummies, readers are urged to send in their "hard-earned kopeks" to buy "the latest consumer indulgences" from the magazine's shop, called the "Central Committee."
    5. "The regime sustains power by doling out goodies and if he withdraws from Kuwait, it's another blunder; he won't have any goodies," says Laurie Mylroie, a fellow at the Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
    6. "The regime sustains power by doling out goodies and if he withdraws from Kuwait, it's another blunder; he won't have any goodies," says Laurie Mylroie, a fellow at the Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
    7. "They got a lot of goodies out of Kuwait," he said.
    8. Sipping Orangina out of a plastic cup from my reserve of Gallic goodies, I already feel cut off from the capitalist world outside, where travelers can still buy pre-pasted throwaway toothbrushes.
    9. Sales of popcorn and other goodies, London said, generate the profits that keep the discount theater business popping.
    10. Mr. Royster's reference to the pork-barrel goodies included in the last-minute appropriations bill points out the dire need for changes in the legislative process.
    11. Men carrying boxes of sweets stuffed goodies into the mouths of the arriving POWs, the traditional Iranian manner of celebration.
    12. "If you give somebody a tent, they ask for other goodies," Mr. Cuny says.
    13. "It's amazing, absolutely amazing that that sort of (measure) to strike out all the goodies passed almost unanimously," Guenther said.
    14. The state fiercely opposes the dump and has passed a law making it illegal to store high-level radioactive waste in Nevada, but its colleges are happy to accept the goodies that come with overseeing the dump.
    15. Mrs. Wisel says she loaded the goodies in a laundry bag and returned them to the management.
    16. Our biggest and only opportunity is to work with them gently and concentrate on the economy, saying to them: 'That's the way you will get the goodies.'
    17. Advertisers looking for ways to get their message to moviegoers are turning away from on-screen pitches and hiring movie theaters to hand out free samples of candy, popcorn and other goodies.
    18. The American public has overwhelmed the ship with Christmas cards and goodies.
    19. In his will, he even outlines how his children, Brownell Combs and Mrs. Trapp, should draw straws if they disagree on how to divide up the china, silver and other goodies.
    20. A new YSL couture accessory shop opens today at 32 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore to offer such goodies, as well as bags and scarves _ for couture prices, with bracelets starting around $250.
    21. It is comprehensively equipped and I rate it a best buy in its class. For Pounds 2,200 more there are Citation versions (pictured) with extra goodies such as alloy wheels, ABS brakes and air conditioning.
    22. Miss Endo said buying a $3.50 gift set of goodies was the least she could do for her 12-year-old English setter.
    23. And if you've driven from nearby Castroville, "Artichoke Center of the World," your baskets are full with goodies from the Giant Artichoke restaurant and ranch market.
    24. She received a boost from Republican David Martin, a pseudo-hawk from New York, who voted to deny funds to transfer a NATO fighter wing in order to fund the Grumman F-14D and other goodies.
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