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 goodbye [gud'bai]   添加此单词到默认生词本
interj. 再见

  1. Nothing remains except for me to say goodbye.
  2. Goodbye I'd better be pushing along now.
  3. "Did you see Robert safely off? ""At half past six in the morning? No fear! We said goodbye last night."

[ noun ]
a farewell remark
they said their good-byes

  1. Chairman Roger B. Smith say goodbye to hundreds of friends at an opulent bash featuring smoked duck and $120-a-bottle champagne.
  2. A poem published with the decree said: "Well, goodbye Kalinin. You were just a pseudonym of our returning Tver." Now, even the newspaper will have to call itself something else.
  3. "I have learned very definitely in this business, never say never," Johnson told his fans and coworkers. "This isn't goodbye. This is a celebration of 100 shows.
  4. "They never even said goodbye.
  5. Rather than telling them goodbye when they leave the house, Rep. Kemp calls out, "Be a leader."
  6. "Now I'll be back to drive you into town," she says as she waves goodbye.
  7. In no time, it's the first goodbye.
  8. "He is too much of an optimist to be worried," Mrs. Abbott said, adding she wept hard before saying goodbye.
  9. "There are now 60,000 Cubans in Angola and they are prepared to launch attacks within days," Savimbi said. "The Cubans didn't come here to wave goodbye.
  10. At its close, CBS News vice president Joe Dembo wished Edwards "goodbye and Godspeed," and CBS Evening News anchorman Dan Rather saluted him as "one of the founding fathers" of broadcast journalism.
  11. In some high-school texts, it's goodbye John Adams and hello Florence Kelley, founder of the National Consumers' League.
  12. After the ceremony she says goodbye on a street corner, reminding him of his promise to obey and tells him to return to his hotel room.
  13. As he was leaving, Bush was asked about his goodbye to former President Reagan. "I was trying to keep the tears from running down my cheeks.
  14. In his show in the Plaza Hotel's ornate ballroom, Oscar de la Renta said goodbye to the ball gown.
  15. But when it came time to say goodbye, owner Boris Radic changed his mind.
  16. MR John Major, the UK prime minister, recently invited him to 10 Downing Street to say a special goodbye.
  17. "Saying goodbye like that was indescribable feeling," one young refugee said in Hof of the trip through his homeland.
  18. Kamal, whose Indonesian was fluent, hoped to offer his services as an interpreter to those journalists with the delegation who wanted to step outside the official itinerary. I'll be careful, he said as he hugged me goodbye.
  19. I'm saying goodbye,"' she said.
  20. Dozens of Auburn and Lewiston residents cleared their basements, turned off their electricity and bid their homes goodbye Saturday as the Androscoggin River inched onto the sidewalks of Maine's twin cities.
  21. "I did not shake his hand, I did see him off, I did not say goodbye," said Pinochet.
  22. He waves goodbye and drives away renewed, refreshed.
  23. To the strains of "Just a Closer Walk with Thee," the band separated for the hearse to pass and for each musician to touch goodbye.
  24. She waved goodbye to the days when she had to show a client a small hand-drawn sketch.
  25. "Members of the CUT group have come and said goodbye to people at banks, to brokers and to accountants.
  26. Then came the section that enraged the parliamentarians, where Mr. Jenninger detailed Adolf Hitler's racist philosophy, with which "Germany had said goodbye to all humanitarian ideas."
  27. Debbie Day said she had realized a few hours after her father left with Dylan that he may have been saying goodbye forever. "He told me what a wonderful girl and mother I was," she said of the exchange Tuesday.
  28. To begin with, the experts and their allies in the German press were not reassured by the basic premise of the report, which argues American strategy should say goodbye to its traditional "Eurocentrism."
  29. Necklaces are either very long and 'hippie' or old-fashioned chokers. And finally, wave goodbye to your power earrings.
  30. Softly calling out "goodbye" and waving to a small knot of staff members and journalists, Reagan walked for one last time down the colonnade that connects his West Wing office to the executive mansion.
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