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 gambler ['gæmblә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 赌博者, 赌徒

[法] 赌徒, 投机商人

  1. By crafts the gambler tricked them out of all their money.
  2. His brother is a reckless gambler.
  3. He stands confessed as a notorious gambler.

[ noun ]
  1. a person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events

  2. <noun.person>
  3. someone who risks loss or injury in the hope of gain or excitement

  4. <noun.person>

Gambler \Gam"bler\, n.
One who gambles.

  1. Every businessman is a gambler.' He slides off into another homily, this time about the importance of risk-taking in business.
  2. One lucky gambler matched six numbers in the $42 million Illinois State Lottery Lotto drawing and became the largest single jackpot winner in the state's history, officials said Sunday.
  3. Despite his high-stakes wager on steel, Mr. Moore doesn't want to be thought of as a gambler.
  4. The prize money builds, newspapers and television give the game big coverage, and people line up everywhere to buy tickets in a sort of gambler's feeding frenzy.
  5. It rolls down sidewalks and gutters and streets and evaporates like a gambler's stake, never to be seen again.
  6. She married the tax-farmer's son, who in the required manner turned out to be a drunkard and a gambler, and who dissipated his father's estate within a few years of inheriting it.
  7. "A gamble is not unfair merely because the gambler loses," the appeals court said in a 3-to-1 decision.
  8. "He's not dynamic, and he'd never be accused of being a riverboat gambler," says a former USX executive.
  9. He was the Pete Rose of the '60s counterculture, a hustler, a base stealer, a wild free spirit and a gambler.
  10. The ex-boxer, gambler, loanshark and longtime associate of Gotti's crew, reportedly turned informant in 1966 and provided reams of information to law enforcement authorities over the years under the code name Wahoo.
  11. Lester "Lem" Banker, a professional gambler in Las Vegas who bets heavily on pro football, agrees that the impact will be severe.
  12. This case involved a tradition in which limo and bus operators, especially those running "gambler specials" to Wendover, Nev., have allowed patrons to take along beer or spirits.
  13. He gained fame as the Swedish market's boldest gambler, financing his purchases through massive borrowing. But unlike many corporate raiders in Sweden, Mr. Penser rarely sold holdings once acquired.
  14. Mr. Rush is a high-stakes gambler.
  15. They made a significant winner out of the biggest gambler of all, Sen. Albert Gore, by proving that the national primary alone could propel a candidate into the thick of the nomination fight.
  16. This town may be a gambler's heaven, but it is a dancer's purgatory.
  17. Her husband was also a compulsive gambler, she said.
  18. Ottinger was depicted in court as a heavy drinker and compulsive gambler.
  19. The gambler seated in the club's public stands will bet an average $150 a day while the bettor in the exclusive member stands will wager an average $800 a day.
  20. It was not because he had fired 19 managers in 18 years - and rehired one of them five times - but because of his association with a known gambler.
  21. For a while, he says, he led a Dostoievskian existence as a full-time gambler.
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