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 gamboge [gæm'bu:dʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 藤黄

[化] 藤黄

[医] 藤黄

    [ noun ]
    1. a gum resin used as a yellow pigment and a purgative

    2. <noun.substance>
    3. a strong yellow color

    4. <noun.attribute>

    Gamboge \Gam*boge"\, n.
    A concrete juice, or gum resin, produced by several species
    of trees in Siam, Ceylon, and Malabar. It is brought in
    masses, or cylindrical rolls, from Cambodia, or Cambogia, --
    whence its name. The best kind is of a dense, compact
    texture, and of a beatiful reddish yellow. Taken internally,
    it is a strong and harsh cathartic and emetic. [Written also

    Note: There are several kinds of gamboge, but all are derived
    from species of {Garcinia}, a genus of trees of the
    order {Guttifer[ae]}. The best Siam gamboge is thought
    to come from {Garcinia Hanburii}. Ceylon gamboge is
    from {G. Morella}. {G. pictoria}, of Western India,
    yields gamboge, and also a kind of oil called gamboge

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