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 gambrel ['gæmbrәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 跗关节, 马脚状铁钩, 斜析形屋顶

    [ noun ]
    a gable roof with two slopes on each side and the lower slope being steeper

    Gambrel \Gam"brel\ v. t.
    To truss or hang up by means of a gambrel. --Beau. & Fl.

    Gambrel \Gam"brel\, n. [OF. gambe, jambe leg, F. jambe. Cf.
    {Cambrel}, {Chambrel}, and see {Gambol}. n.]
    1. The hind leg of a horse.

    2. A stick crooked like a horse's hind leg; -- used by
    butchers in suspending slaughtered animals.

    {Gambrel roof} (Arch.), a curb roof having the same section
    in all parts, with a lower steeper slope and an upper and
    flatter one, so that each gable is pentagonal in form.

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