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 game bird 添加此单词到默认生词本

    game bird
    [ noun ]
    any bird (as grouse or pheasant) that is hunted for sport

    Game \Game\, a.
    1. Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock;
    ready to fight to the last; plucky.

    I was game . . . .I felt that I could have fought
    even to the death. --W. Irving.

    2. Of or pertaining to such animals as are hunted for game,
    or to the act or practice of hunting.

    {Game bag}, a sportsman's bag for carrying small game
    captured; also, the whole quantity of game taken.

    {Game bird}, any bird commonly shot for food, esp. grouse,
    partridges, quails, pheasants, wild turkeys, and the shore
    or wading birds, such as plovers, snipe, woodcock, curlew,
    and sandpipers. The term is sometimes arbitrarily
    restricted to birds hunted by sportsmen, with dogs and

    {Game egg}, an egg producing a gamecock.

    {Game laws}, laws regulating the seasons and manner of taking
    game for food or for sport.

    {Game preserver}, a land owner who regulates the killing of
    game on his estate with a view to its increase. [Eng.]

    {To be game}.
    (a) To show a brave, unyielding spirit.
    (b) To be victor in a game. [Colloq.]

    {To die game}, to maintain a bold, unyielding spirit to the
    last; to die fighting.

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