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 gambling ['gæmbliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 赌博

  1. The government is framing a new bill to control gambling.
  2. He spends all his time gambling in the casino.
  3. He tried to increase his income by gambling only to plunge more deeply into the mire.

[ noun ]
the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize)
his gambling cost him a fortunethere was heavy play at the blackjack table

Gamble \Gam"ble\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Gambled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Gambling}.] [Dim. of game. See 2d {Game}.]
To play or game for money or other stake.

gambling \gambling\ n. [p. pr. of {gamble}.]
the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning
(including the payment of a price for a chance to win a
prize); as, his gambling cost him a fortune.

Syn: gaming, play.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. He was convicted on two counts of filing false income tax returns for failing to report more than $350,000 in income from gambling, autograph signing and baseball memorabilia sales.
  2. It had to happen sooner or later - gambling on gambling has arrived, thanks to the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
  3. It had to happen sooner or later - gambling on gambling has arrived, thanks to the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
  4. In Islam, gambling is unlawful.
  5. "To me, it's like gambling.
  6. Since August "The Simpsons" has averaged only 15 percent compared to 35 percent for "Cosby." Hilton Hotels Corp. said Thursday a sluggish economy and a drop in casino gambling revenues caused its third-quarter profit to drop 49 percent.
  7. We would have to have a fully staffed gambling board.
  8. By September, the 75 gambling halls had 1,900 slot machines, 91 blackjack games and 27 poker games, he said.
  9. Of course, some casino patrons make a distinction between gambling in Atlantic City and gambling on Wall Street.
  10. Of course, some casino patrons make a distinction between gambling in Atlantic City and gambling on Wall Street.
  11. "There's a very strong probability that this company will end up in bankruptcy in the next six months," says Daniel Lee, a senior First Boston analyst who follows the gambling industry.
  12. Others join crime syndicates involved in gambling, narcotics and prostitution, either by guaranteeing them virtual immunity from arrest or, in some cases, serving as bodyguards for mob leaders.
  13. Five Mohawks face arraignment today on charges stemming from the slaying of an Indian during a gunbattle over casino gambling on the reservation, police in Canada said.
  14. Raychem is gambling that the fiber-optics technology Raynet is developing will be widely used in advanced telecommunications gear and futuristic devices such as videophones.
  15. Authorities charged that the family conspired and placed video poker gambling machines at five businesses in Lee County.
  16. "And since there are costs to all `games,' gambling is really a negative-sum game.
  17. Ramada said the situation in the junk-bond market was causing it to possibly change the terms and types of securities to be offered by Aztar Corp., the new company that will operate Ramada's gambling operations.
  18. He cheated the Internal Revenue Service of earnings from gambling. He's broke from gambling debts.
  19. He cheated the Internal Revenue Service of earnings from gambling. He's broke from gambling debts.
  20. Similar efforts to legalize casino gambling failed in 1978 and 1986.
  21. Everything is falling in place and all we can do is hope for good results." The non-binding referendum _ a product of months of emotional campaigning _ would urge the state Legislature to legalize gambling in Gary.
  22. In the short term, many lottery officials say the current recession is chipping away at customers' discretionary income, effectively disproving the belief that gambling is recession-proof.
  23. The gambling, real estate and construction concern said proceeds were used for general corporate purposes.
  24. Southern Baptists wrapped up their first stay in this gambling city by urging states to enact legislation restricting abortions except to save the mother's life.
  25. The gambling palaces, illegal under state law, were bringing busloads of tourists, hundreds of jobs, and millions of dollars to the economically depressed reservation.
  26. But as business boomed, new gambling houses were built early this year, and advertising campaigns were launched in Montreal, the main source of customers.
  27. The company also said Philip G. Satre, 38, president of the gambling group, was elected to a new corporate senior vice president's position.
  28. Iowa, believe it or not, allows more forms of legal gambling than any other state, according to I. Nelson Rose, a California law professor who studies such things.
  29. The session could doom his $1.11 billion takeover offer for the gambling firm.
  30. "Our entertainment on board is mostly intellectual entertainment, not gambling and dancing," Peter Cox, planning director for the cruise operator, said late last week.
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