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 contemporary [kən'tɛmpə`rɛrɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 同时代的人

a. 同时代的, 属于同一时期的

  1. He is a contemporary of mine, but our experiences are completely different.
  2. Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.
  3. She and I were contemporaries at college.

[ noun ]
  1. a person of nearly the same age as another

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. characteristic of the present

  2. <adj.all>
    contemporary trends in design
    the role of computers in modern-day medicine
  3. belonging to the present time

  4. <adj.all>
    contemporary leaders
  5. occurring in the same period of time

  6. <adj.all>
    a rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation
    the composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart

Contemporary \Con*tem"po*ra*ry\, a. [Pref. con- + L. temporarius
of belonging to time, tempus time. See {Temporal}, and cf.
1. Living, occuring, or existing, at the same time; done in,
or belonging to, the same times; contemporaneous.

This king [Henry VIII.] was contemporary with the
greatest monarchs of Europe. --Strype.

2. Of the same age; coeval.

A grove born with himself he sees,
And loves his old contemporary trees. --Cowley.

Contemporary \Con*tem"po*ra*ry\, n.; pl. {Contemporaries}.
1. One who lives at the same time with another; as, Petrarch
and Chaucer were contemporaries.

2. a person of nearly the same age as another.

Syn: coeval.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Buyers this week snatched up the 15 contemporary pieces for $750,000 more than the pre-auction estimate.
  2. He also asked contemporary artists to do new works about the couple.
  3. Then we were given the contemporary Romanian play Vlad the Impaler, a quasi-historical piece about that prince, begetter of Dracula and allegory of Ceausescu; and the Russian Yerofeev's Moscow Train, that ran through wild country to Moscow Station.
  4. "It's a store which has successfully switched its approach from serving the carriage trade to serving the contemporary fashion needs of middle to upper-income customers," said Kurt Barnard, publisher of Barnard's Retail Marketing Report.
  5. Although he once called Bach his "bible" and Chopin his "first musical food," Szeryng also had a passion for contemporary music.
  6. Susan Dunne, a contemporary art specialist at Christie's auction house, said the prices fetched by female artists such as Joan Mitchell and Holzer are rising.
  7. Balken, who came to the Berkshire Museum in 1981, has been praised for bringing exciting exhibitions to the museum and for her expertise in the field of modern and contemporary art.
  8. Their technical skill is real. But they lack the professional seasoning that marks the best contemporary art.
  9. To conserve the memory of flamenco, to promote research into the art and to make contemporary flamenco known to as wide a public as possible are the principal aims of the foundation, according to director Joaquin Carrera.
  10. Many politicians, businessmen and foreign policy experts felt that an expert in Soviet affairs was essential to represent the U.S. amid the murkiness of contemporary Soviet politics and economics.
  11. It was happy to welcome new, contemporary authors, until it was asked to believe these trendy new authors were possessed of the kind of genius that put them in a class with the immortals of literature.
  12. These illusions persist.' The contemporary illusion against which Bukovsky still attempts to tilt is the western belief that its fear of an imploding Russia can be exorcised by throwing money at it.
  13. These programmes, mixing chart hits with contemporary news clips, form some of the most evocative historical documents imaginable.
  14. Besides the contemporary art sale, a separate auction was conducted for paintings from the collection of Victor W. Ganz, who died in 1987.
  15. At Covent Garden the full resources of contemporary stage technology are used to 'do the piece', not to re-invent it in the high-concept terms that have become fashionable in recent years.
  16. The show features some Beethoven, while adding a contemporary sound provided by Bono and The Edge, two members of U2.
  17. At the firm's last major auction of contemporary art last November, 56% didn't sell.
  18. Mr. Grove's law: Software developers tend to create programs that demand more power than contemporary chips provide.
  19. Sotheby's had expected its major sale of contemporary art to bring about $24 million to $32 million, plus the 10% buyer's commission paid to the auction house.
  20. There is a pleasant contemporary disarray, a deliberate untidiness about much of the book.
  21. Running concurrently is "New Visions: James Little, Whitfield Lovell, Alison Saar," a comprehensive look at the recent work of three contemporary black artists.
  22. But contemporary figures weren't left out, as John Lennon, Andrew Dice Clay and Norman Rockwell were also among those cited.
  23. The kingdom lasted less than 150 years but shaped many aspects of contemporary Thailand, including the Theravadda Buddhist religion. Thai script, notions of kingship and relatively egalitarian social relations were also developed.
  24. Other performers include the California-based Dance Through Time, which reconstructs dances of the past (Sept. 2 and 3); and Matthew Nash Music and Dance, a contemporary ballet company that combines music, dance and theater (Sept. 8 and 11).
  25. But the impact of inclusion in a museum show can also be extremely significant on the works of obscure artists and contemporary artists, exactly the works fledgling collectors can afford.
  26. About $16 million of the amount was included in the total for the night for contemporary art, bringing the total night's sales to $98.5 million, said Sotheby's spokeswoman Diana Levitt.
  27. USING the Victorian Gothic vastness of St Pancras Station to show specially commissioned work by a selection of contemporary artists is an exciting idea, which has been brought to fruition in an exhibition organised by Camden Arts Centre.
  28. Taylor said he did not know the purchase price of the new home or the asking price for the 15-room contemporary house in Saddle River.
  29. They wanted me to do more things that were contemporary.
  30. It is denounced for failing to address contemporary issues that concern young Moslems. Sohail Nakhooda, a director of Islamica, a religious journal, says that these issues include racism, employment and drugs in the UK.
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