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 contemptible [kən'tɛmptəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 卑鄙的, 可轻蔑的, 不足挂齿的

  1. It's a contemptible trick to play on a friend!
  2. He is contemptible for his meanness.
  3. An insignificant or contemptible person.

[ adj ]
deserving of contempt or scorn

Contemptible \Con*tempt"i*ble\, a.
1. Worthy of contempt; deserving of scorn or disdain; mean;
vile; despicable. --Milton.

The arguments of tyranny are ascontemptible as its
force is dreadful. --Burke.

2. Despised; scorned; neglected; abject. --Locke.

3. Insolent; scornful; contemptuous. [Obs.]

If she should make tender of her love, 't is very
possible he 'll scorn it; for the man . . . hath a
contemptible spirit. --Shak.

Syn: Despicable; abject; vile; mean; base; paltry; worthless;
sorry; pitiful; scurrile. See {Contemptuous}.

Usage: {Contemptible}, {Despicable}, {Pitiful}, {Paltry}.
Despicable is stronger than contemptible, as despise
is stronger than contemn. It implies keen
disapprobation, with a mixture of anger. A man is
despicable chiefly for low actions which mark his
life, such as servility, baseness, or mean adulation.
A man is contemptible for mean qualities which
distinguish his character, especially those which show
him to be weak, foolish, or worthless. Treachery is
despicable, egotism is contemptible. Pitiful and
paltry are applied to cases which are beneath anger,
and are simply contemptible in a high degree.

  1. The villains are all satisfactorily ruthless, contemptible and in urgent need of extermination.
  2. And he thought Chaucer "obscene and contemptible: he owes his celebrity merely to his antiquity."
  3. The nasty, manipulative hack and hanger-on becomes more than an amusing contemptible devil; minor characters suddenly become major; depths of feeling and of more than social peril loom.
  4. Massachusetts' highest court reinstated murder charges against a man accused of killing a detective, despite what the justices called "contemptible and disgusting" police misconduct in the case.
  5. Both crimes are the acts of minor criminals and, however contemptible, these activities can and should be dealt with by the authorities at the appropriate level: low-ranking diplomatic officials in the one case, local police in the other.
  6. But on the whole the class is depicted as contemptible and their survival, it is strongly implied, is much to be regretted. Cannadine illustrates his theme by examining the case-histories of a few families and individuals.
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