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 contend [kәn'tend]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 奋斗, 斗争, 竞争

vt. 为...斗争

  1. John has to contend with great difficulties.
  2. A hundred schools of thought contend.
  3. logic and rhetoric able to contend.


Contend \Con*tend"\, v. t.
To struggle for; to contest. [R.]

Carthage shall contend the world with Rome.Dryden.

Contend \Con*tend"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Contended}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Contending}.] [OF. contendre, L. contendere, -tentum;
con- + tendere to strech. See {Tend}.]
1. To strive in opposition; to contest; to dispute; to vie;
to quarrel; to fight.

For never two such kingdoms did contend
Without much fall of blood. --Shak.

The Lord said unto me, Distress not the Moabites,
neither contend with them in battle. --Deut. ii. 9.

In ambitious strength I did
Contend against thy valor. --Shak.

2. To struggle or exert one's self to obtain or retain
possession of, or to defend.

You sit above, and see vain men below
Contend for what you only can bestow. --Dryden.

3. To strive in debate; to engage in discussion; to dispute;
to argue.

The question which our author would contend for.

Many things he fiercely contended about were
trivial. --Dr. H. More.

Syn: To struggle; fight; combat; vie; strive; oppose;
emulate; contest; litigate; dispute; debate.

  1. Proponents of the plans contend the refinancings reduce the budget deficit in the current fiscal year by paying off the government's loans in cash up front.
  2. Its far-flung voters would be unlikely to approve bonds to fund a jail, hospitals or other public works; and services would suffer, they contend.
  3. Also, Britain's importance in international monetary affairs is proportionally greater than the country's economy because of the concentration of financial markets in London, the officials contend.
  4. They contend that the economy still is too weak to withstand higher rates, and that a recession appears increasingly likely.
  5. Although President Lee wields little of the influence his predecessor had, he quickly has proved himself to be the force to contend with at the upcoming KMT Party congress, which opens July 7.
  6. They contend elections have been part of a U.S.-imposed counterinsurgency project to provide a facade of democratic civilian rule over an edifice of military repression.
  7. Nevertheless, they contend higher short-term rates this month appear inevitable.
  8. Advocates of the bill contend it would reverse several Supreme Court decisions that made it harder for plaintiffs to win discrimination cases.
  9. He and others who share his view contend that the value of land rises because of the investments of others in schools, buildings, bridges, sewers, power lines and other improvements.
  10. But labor leaders contend that, even amid such defeats, correcting dangerous workplace conditions and helping workers win back pay in wage-and-hour cases promote the perception that a union can still have a concrete impact on the workplace.
  11. Republicans contend that the Senate shouldn't consider Judge Bork's conservative ideology.
  12. "They were telling the jury in so many words that if they delivered a guilty verdict, they would have to contend with the Arce battalion," he said. "The jurors live there.
  13. Opponents contend, among other things, that the state constitution doesn't specifically permit a tax on services. Aside from its constitutionality, opponents have said that the tax would be bad for the state's economy.
  14. There have been calls to restrict television coverage by those who contend the presence of TV cameras incites the protesters.
  15. Instead, the critics contend, the Bush budget relies on highly optimistic economic assumptions to reach the deficit reduction targets established in the Gramm-Rudman law, including cutting the deficit nearly in half to $63.1 billion in 1991.
  16. Critics contend that because the high-risk futures markets are so volatile, the linkage created by index arbitrage wrenches stock prices around without regard to their real values.
  17. Some critics contend that the Soviets may have more sites than the 128.
  18. Some people contend the approach is simply a means for limiting certain rights.
  19. On the other, private aircraft owners, corporate plane users and commuter airlines, all of which contend that a six-seat Piper Cub has the same right to use a runway as a 400-seat DC-10.
  20. Indeed, they contend, the pain occurring now for the banking business and its customers holds out the promise of future gains in stability and the potential for growth.
  21. But manufacturers and consumer groups contend that the measure is designed to protect record companies, which have invested heavily in compact-disk manufacturing, from competition from digital cassettes.
  22. Many Democrats contend the Bush budget revealed mostly the politically popular aspects of a spending plan that, in order to reduce the federal deficit, will eventually require cuts in federal programs.
  23. Republicans, however, contend the legislation will return the civil and postal services to a "spoils system" in which workers will be subtly coerced to take up political causes.
  24. The Twiggs contend their healthy newborn daughter was swapped nearly 10 years ago for a sickly one at Hardee Memorial Hospital in Wauchula.
  25. But many administration officials contend the current manual's language is so broad that it is unworkable, affording protection to acreage that doesn't deserve it.
  26. Similarly, advertisers of men's cologne and cosmetics, including Calvin Klein's Obsession and Clinique, contend that they reach homosexual men just fine through such magazines as GQ and Esquire.
  27. Analysts nevertheless contend that prices are likely to fall from the existing range of $15 a barrel to $12 or even lower by the end of the summer.
  28. Roh has been under public pressure to cancel his trip. Dissidents contend Roh's trip to Japan will deepen South Korea's economic dependence on Japan.
  29. New York officials contend that the East Harlem Cultural Arts Center where Ms. Higgensen's musical plays is intended strictly for non-profit groups.
  30. The suits contend the companies agreed secretly in the early 1960s, at meetings involving all of them except Exxon, to keep the posted price for heavy crude below its real value, while exchanging different grades of oil among themselves at higher rates.
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