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 contemptuous [kən'tɛmptʃʊəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 轻蔑的, 鄙视的, 瞧不起人的

  1. Snobs are usually contemptuous of people they feel to be beneath them.
  2. He gave a contemptuous laugh.
  3. You should not be contemptuous of underprivileged people.

[ adj ]
expressing extreme contempt

Contemptuous \Con*temp"tu*ous\ (?; 135), a.
Manifesting or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful;
haughty; insolent; disdainful.

A proud, contemptuous behavior. --Hammond.

Savage invective and contemptuous sarcasm. --Macaulay.

Rome . . . entertained the most contemptuous opinion of
the Jews. --Atterbury.

Syn: Scornful; insolent; haughty; disdainful; supercilious;
insulting; contumelious.

Usage: {Contemptuous}, {Contemptible}. These words, from
their similarity of sound, are sometimes erroneously
interchanged, as when a person speaks of having ``a
very contemptible opinion of another.'' Contemptible
is applied to that which is the object of contempt;
as, contemptible conduct; acontemptible fellow.
Contemptuous is applied to that which indicates
contempt; as, a contemptuous look; a contemptuous
remark; contemptuous treatment. A person, or whatever
is personal, as an action, an expression, a feeling,
an opinion, may be either contemptuous or
contemptible; a thing may be contemptible, but can not
be contemptuous.

  1. "Sentimentalism" is a frequent retort in what promises to be a deeper and wider debate, but "sentimentalism" is often a contemptuous term for concern.
  2. Are they not a race contemptuous of others?
  3. The council, contemptuous, turned him down.
  4. Steven Thorne, a partner in the Chicago office of accounting firm Arthur Andersen & Co., warns that the code's complexity, coupled with the shifting tax landscape, is breeding a contemptuous taxpayer attitude: "This is a dumb rule.
  5. Not that congressmen contemptuous of the Constitution care, but this is also a bill of attainder in the form of a taking without compensation from Toshiba shareholders, including U.S. citizens.
  6. Those quotation marks are masterfully contemptuous, as if "violating the law" were some slangy and meaningless juvenile insult on the order of "having a spaz attack."
  7. These governors, so often contemptuous of the federal government, believe they have a fresh lesson for Congress and President Bush.
  8. He will campaign hard alongside the prime minister in the summer elections. Mr Heseltine is similarly contemptuous of rumours he has been wining and dining Mr Major's opponents on the Tory right.
  9. For instance, one nonreligious businessman in Tehran who is openly contemptuous of the mullahs who run the country mused the other day about what might happen if Iran somehow wins the war against Iraq.
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