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 contempt [kən'tɛmpt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 轻视, 轻蔑

[法] 藐视, 侮辱, 轻视

  1. Their sense of justice gave them armor against the contempt of others.
  2. They showed nothing but contempt for him.
  3. He was cited for contempt of court.

[ noun ]
  1. lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

  2. <noun.feeling>
    he was held in contempt
    the despite in which outsiders were held is legendary
  3. a manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous

  4. <noun.attribute>
  5. open disrespect for a person or thing

  6. <noun.communication>
  7. a willful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority of a court or legislative body

  8. <noun.act>

Contempt \Con*tempt"\ (k[o^]n*t[e^]mt"; 215), n. [L. contemptus,
fr. contemnere: cf. OF. contempt. See {Contemn}.]
1. The act of contemning or despising; the feeling with which
one regards that which is esteemed mean, vile, or
worthless; disdain; scorn.

Criminal contempt of public feeling. --Macaulay.

Nothing, says Longinus, can be great, the contempt
of which is great. --Addison.

2. The state of being despised; disgrace; shame.

Contempt and begarry hangs upon thy back. --Shak.

3. An act or expression denoting contempt.

Little insults and contempts. --Spectator.

The contempt and anger of his lip. --Shak.

4. (Law) Disobedience of the rules, orders, or process of a
court of justice, or of rules or orders of a legislative
body; disorderly, contemptuous, or insolent language or
behavior in presence of a court, tending to disturb its
proceedings, or impair the respect due to its authority.

Note: Contempt is in some jurisdictions extended so as to
include publications reflecting injuriously on a court
of justice, or commenting unfairly on pending
proceedings; in other jurisdictions the courts are
prohibited by statute or by the constitution from thus
exercising this process.

Syn: Disdain; scorn; derision; mockery; contumely; neglect;
disregard; slight.

  1. California's press shield law, which forbids holding reporters in contempt for withholding confidential sources or unpublished material, provides ironclad protection in civil cases, the court said in a unanimous decision.
  2. A Nov. 1 order signed by Circuit Judge William Howell found Siegel in contempt of a 1986 ruling that he make the connection. Howell gave Siegel 60 days to hook up or go to prison.
  3. In sentencing them, Logan District Judge Dale L. Prince ordered them to apologize to the congregation or face contempt of court, with a possible year in jail and $500 fine.
  4. Great as it is, "Do You Love Me?" doesn't rescue the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack albums from the contempt of all prudent consumers.
  5. Many press lawyers figure that the Senate probably could find the reporters in contempt, but only after exhausting all other alternatives for discovering who leaked.
  6. It is treating judges with contempt.
  7. Through several years of hearings, the two Catholic groups maintained their position that the lawsuit was invalid and that they wouldn't comply with the subpoena, until Judge Carter declared them in contempt of court in May 1986.
  8. Meanwhile, a Superior Court judge delayed ruling on the city's request for contempt citations against 110 firefighters who called in sick over the weekend in defiance of a back-to-work order.
  9. Price Waterhouse could face contempt penalties if it violates securities laws, under a permanent injunction sought by the SEC.
  10. The contempt charge was filed when Miss Carne failed to appear for her forgery retrial.
  11. His open contempt for those unable to shake off their pseudo-Marxist attitudes earns him respect rather than affection.
  12. Startled but unhurt, Colbath ruled Bryant in contempt, and the defendant shot back some profanity.
  13. The Army refused to let her rejoin, but after Gordon found the service in contempt of court in January, Ms. Ben-Shalom was allowed to re-enlist.
  14. Hardin District Judge Janet Coleman, who had found Danny Mast in contempt of court Friday, ordered his release Monday after concluding jailing the father would not help the child, Amos.
  15. Steptoe said teachers could be fined and held in contempt of court if they didn't return by the deadline.
  16. "I'm just gratified," said her attorney Roy Black, who had repeatedly raised the issue of self-incrimination during the two-day contempt hearing.
  17. A federal judge upheld Priest's contempt order two weeks ago and refused to extend a stay while Karem appealed the order in federal courts.
  18. Sand ruled Aug. 2 that the New York suburb of 194,000 was in contempt of court for the council's refusal to carry out a housing-desegregation plan it approved earlier this year.
  19. A 77-year-old grandmother faces jail on contempt charges Monday if she refuses to say where her daughter has taken her two young granddaughters.
  20. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in August ruled that the movie company could be held in contempt for Ms. Goldstein's behavior even though Twentieth Century had taken steps to make sure its employees complied with the 1951 court order.
  21. However, John Lenahan, representing Morgan's former husband and the girl's father, Dr. Eric Foretich, argued that returning the passport would only give Morgan "an opportunity to further defy" the previous contempt of court order.
  22. Mr. Bush may be palatable to the Neocons, but the Old Rightists are already suspicious of his libertarian leanings, and the New Rightists can't conceal their contempt for the preppy Wall Street crowd he runs with.
  23. He can fault the administration for showing a "contempt for public service," but this is a charge harder to make against Mr. Bush, a senator's son who served in the House and held a wide variety of public positions before becoming vice president.
  24. The Dukakis campaign was forced to respond that the suggestion was "totally false and beneath contempt" and that she regarded the flag as "a symbol of our nation's commitment to freedom."
  25. A federal appeals court will hear arguments May 6 on whether to dismiss a contempt ruling against Eastern Airlines for its attempt to sell its East Coast Air shuttle.
  26. In separate judgments, Potter ordered both companies again to obey the laws and warned that McGee Brothers would be fined $10,000 and Wendell's Woodwork $5,000 for each day the companies remain in contempt of his order.
  27. When the owners of the companies continued the program for the church, the Labor Department asked they be found in contempt.
  28. A sharply divided Supreme Court today overturned contempt fines imposed against four Yonkers, N.Y., city councilmen who defied a federal judge's order to adopt a housing desegregation plan.
  29. Early last year, the Save Our Cumberland Mountains organization sought a court order to hold the Interior Department in contempt of court for alleged non-compliance with the earlier court order that it strictly enforce the strip-mining law.
  30. A son of polygamist matriarch Vickie Singer has been found in contempt for refusing to answer a grand jury's questions about the bombing of a Mormon chapel and subsequent two-week standoff with police.
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