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 高分子晶体 [gāo fēn zǐ jīng tǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[高分子][晶体] polymer crystal

  1. 本文利用有色对称的理论讨论了螺旋型高分子晶体结构所属空间群的演变规律性。
    The present paper investigated the varied regularities of space group of crystal structure of helix type polymer chains in terms of coloured symmetry theory.
  2. 传统的湿度传感器需要电力,而这种新型技术采用一种简单的高分子光子类晶体凝胶传感器,会有广阔的应用前景。
    Whereas conventional humidity sensors require electrical power, this technique uses a simple polymer-based photonic crystal hydrogel that could find many practical applications.
  3. 众所周知,片晶是高分子晶体的一种基本形态,由高分子本体结晶得到的最为常见的球晶事实上是片晶堆积而成的。
    As is known to all, slices of polymer crystals crystal is a basic form, made of polymer ontology crystallization of the most common spherulite get fact is formed from the accumulation of tablet chip.

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