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 高分子药物 [gāo fēn zǐ yào wù添加此单词到默认生词本
[药] polymer drug

  1. 研究目的是研制一种氨基酸类高分子药物用于临床治疗;
    The purpose of the research is to develop a kind of polymer drugs with grafted amino acids for the treatment of some patients.
  2. 根据使用部位的要求,分为高分子药物载体和无机药物载体。
    It may be classified into polymeric carrier and inorganic carrier according to the demand of its operation place.
  3. 本文给出了一种新的氨基酸类高分子药物的合成方法,并对产物进行了红外光谱的分析和表征。
    In this article, a new amino-acid polymer macromolecule medicine was synthesized and the method of the synthesis was described. The compound was characterized by IR.

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