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 高升 [gāo shēng添加此单词到默认生词本
be promoted to a higher position or rank

  1. 米兰的研究者说,与碳水化合物的摄入量相比,那些高升糖指数的食品才更是导致女人心脏病风险升高的罪魁祸首。
    Researchers from Milan say high GI foods are to blame for a rise in heart attack risk in women, rather than just the quantity of carbohydrates.
  2. 泰勒说,日本的决策者只有在国内的愤慨情绪高升到引发社会动乱的地步,才可能不得不改变美日防务关系。
    Taylor says Japanese policy makers could be pressured into changing the defense relationship only if domestic anger increases to a point of social instability.
  3. 不过,即便是在这里,为妇女创造工作机会,让她们按照自己的意愿在工作岗位上步步高升也能够刺激生产力和拉动增长。
    Even here, though, improving opportunities for women to work, and to progress up the career ladder if they wish, could boost productivity and growth.

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