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 高分子科学 添加此单词到默认生词本
[高分子] polymer science

  1. 功能弹性体是近年发展起来的新的高分子科学领域。
    Functional elastomer is a new field developed recently in polymer science.
  2. 结果与结论:近年来随着高分子科学与多学科融合的分子医学的兴起和快速发展,显像对比剂受到了越来越广泛的关注。
    RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In recent years, more and more attention have been paid on imaging contrast agents with the development of polymer materials and molecule medicine.
  3. 本文对高分子科学与工程作简要的评述,并讨论21世纪与其他研究领域相关联的若干可能的新发展方向。
    This article provides a brief review of the history in polymer science and engineering, as well as discusses several possible new directions associated with other research areas in the 21st century.

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