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 高分子胶体 [gāo fēn zǐ jiāo tǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[高分子][物化] polymer colloid

  1. 该理论解释了在实际胶体系统中起重要作用的排斥体积效应和高分子链内相关性的竞争机制。
    The theory explains the competition between excluded-volume effect and the chain connectivity which play important role in the actual colloidal system.
  2. 本研究中主要探讨一带电球形胶体粒子于高分子流体中相对于平板之电泳行为。
    In this study, we investigated the electrophoretic behavior of a charged spherical colloidal particle in polymeric fluid with the presence of a planar surface.
  3. 在纳米颗粒胶体物系中加入高分子聚合物使之吸附在颗粒表面是防止纳米颗粒团聚生长的有效方法。
    By means of adsorption onto the surface of oxide nanoparticles the added polymer to the colloidal dispersion offers an available method to prevent aggregation.

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