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 速度反馈 添加此单词到默认生词本
speed feedback
[自] velocity feedback

  1. 速度反馈,零速,跑步,健康。
    Speed feedback, zero speed, running, healthy.
  2. 速度环中用做速度反馈的检测装置是测速发电动机、脉冲编码器等。
    Speed loop speed feedback to be used for the detection device is generating motivation, speed pulse coder, etc.
  3. 该方案无需柔性结构的系统控制模型,只需调整速度反馈增益,即可以达到控制结构振动的目的。
    It can be used to suppress the vibration of the structure by modulating the gain of direct velocity feedback, which acts as the equivalent damping of the structure.

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