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 通风天井 [tōng fēng tiān jǐng添加此单词到默认生词本
ventilating raise

  1. 天井不仅引入了自然光照也使房子能够自然通风
    The void acts not only as a large light well but also encourages natural ventilation within the house.
  2. 徽州的民居便是这样,无论是一进还是多进的宅子,每一进都会开一处天井,用来通风、透光、排水。
    Residential houses in Huizhou, in one or multiple rows, are designed so that there is a courtyard in each row for ventilation, illumination and drainage.
  3. 设置天井是电站副厂房实现自然通风与采光的一种途径和一种传统节能技术。
    The layout of light-court is a traditional energy-saving technique and a common way to realize the natural ventilating and lighting for the auxiliary powerhouse.

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