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 通风阀 [tōng fēng fá添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] vent valve

  1. 对于泵通风阀应安装毗邻泵出口。
    For ventilation of pumps the valve should be mounted adjacent to the pump outlet.
  2. 尽管化油器上有空气滤清器,还有曲轴箱通风阀,但尘土还是会进入发动机。
    Despite the air filters100 in the carburetor air cleaner and crankcase ventilator, dust does work its way into the engine.
  3. 曲柄轴箱通风阀和配有废气帽的空气污染控制(的使用)对减少挥发性有机混合物释放有积极作用。
    The positive crankcase ventilation valve and gas caps with air-pollution control valves reduce volatile organic compound loss.

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