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 逞能 [chěng néng添加此单词到默认生词本
show off one's skill or ability
parade one's ability

  1. 无论干什么,只要意识到所干的并不明智,他就马上会停下来,从不会因一时逞能而一味蛮干下去。
    He would never have continued from bravado in a course that he had come to the conclusion was unwise.
  2. 那个新的科学老师让我挂科了。我还一时逞能装酷答应了一个恶心的男人给我做按摩。
    The new science teacher gave me an F and I was being brave and generous about accepting the massage from a disgusting man.
  3. 他一向是被认为不在任何困难面前退却的。 大家都知道,有一天,仅仅是为了逞能,他洗劫过一个城区的警察哨所。
    He had the reputation of not sticking at anything, and it was known that he had plundered a police post simply out of bravado.

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