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 逛商店 [guàng shāng diàn添加此单词到默认生词本
shop around
do window shopping

  1. 但是我不想一个人去逛商店
    But I don't want to shop around alone.
  2. 进一步讲如果没有替代产品进入市场的话,能自由逛商店也就没显得没什么价值。
    And if no alternative can enter the market, then the freedom to shop around is not worth very much.
  3. 如果其他每一个人都不去逛商店,那么没有竞争厂商会进入这个市场,因为他们大部分的潜在消费者都已经“名花有主”或者说有品牌义务了。
    If everyone else gives up the ability to shop around, then no rival company can enter the market, because most of its potential customers are already wedded to the incumbent.

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