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 通风百叶窗 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] ventilation louver
ventilating shutter

  1. 天窗,通风窗,老虎窗,百叶窗,软百叶窗
    Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian window blinds.
  2. 无门水密百叶窗适用于船舱通风,关闭百叶窗能达到水密防水效果。
    Applicable to the ventilation of the vessel cabins. Closing the shutter can achieve the effect of watertight class water proofing.
  3. 吸入粗水滤器、单联油滤器、双联油滤器、泥箱、甲板操纵装置、通风百叶窗等系列产品。
    Sea water filter , single chain oil colander, double chain oil colander, mud box, deck control unit, marine wall vent cover arrangement, etc. series productions.

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