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 通风机组 [tōng fēng jī zǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] fan set

  1. 百叶型外墙风口,铝型材料,适用于机组通风,外墙防水。
    The shutter type of exterior wall outlet, aluminum product, applies to the ventilation works and exterior wall waterproof.
  2. 本公司成立于一九九三年,主营:中、大型中央空调、中央冷水机组通风管道、设计、安装、维修、保养。
    The company was founded in 1993, Main: medium and large central air-conditioning, central chillers, ventilation pipe, the design, installation, repair and maintenance.
  3. 为了分析增设暖风窗的合理结构及对发电机组通风冷却系统的影响,本文采用网络分析法对发电机组通风冷却系统进行了计算分析。
    In order to analysis the reasonable structure of adding hot wind window and its effect on ventilation cooling system, the network analysis method was adopted to analyze the ventilation cooling system.

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