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 通俗小说 添加此单词到默认生词本
popular fiction
light fiction

  1. 不过,里面的通俗小说通常定价为10美元左右。
    The books will cost you, though, usually in the $10 range for popular fiction.
  2. 阅读通俗小说,寻找那些虽然没产生巨大的销售额但有有趣的情节和吸引人的角色的小说
    Read popular fiction, looking for novels that may not have generated huge sales but that have interesting plots or appealing characters.
  3. 爱玛包法利夫人是亲切但枯燥无味的乡村医生的妻子,她渴望像通俗小说中写的一样的奢华浪漫的生活。
    Emma Bovary, the wife of a kindly but dull country doctor, yearns for a life of luxury and romance that she has read about in popular novels.

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