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 通信信号 [tōng xìn xìn hào添加此单词到默认生词本
communication signals

  1. 通信信号的瞬时参数包含丰富的信息,提取瞬时参数具有很重要的意义。
    The instantaneous parameter estimation for communication signals is very important, for such parameters are abundant of information.
  2. 对在低信噪比情况下数字通信信号的调制模式的识别率低的问题进行了改进,增强了识别率;
    Signal type identification is improved by mending the question that the recognition rate is low in the low Signal Noise Ratio.
  3. 通信信号调制类型的自动识别广泛应用于信号确认、干扰识别、无线电侦听和信号监测等领域。
    The automatic identification of the modulation types has been applied to many fields such as signal identification, interference identification, radio interception, monitoring, etc.

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