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 通信卫星 [tōng xìn wèi xīng添加此单词到默认生词本
relay satellite
[通信][航] communications satellite

  1. 但是在北韩所说的发射一颗通信卫星这个行动是否违反了联合国安理会1718号决议的问题上,安理会成员国存在分歧。
    But there is disagreement over whether the launch of what North Korea says was a communications satellite was a violation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1718.
  2. 大部分军事应答者说,新的军事卫星的发射将不影响其对商业通信卫星的使用。
    For the military respondents, most said the launch of new military satellites will not impact their use of commercial communications satellites.
  3. 协议内容包括自由贸易协定补充议定书、环境保护合作协定、以及中国为巴基斯坦制造并发射一枚通信卫星的计划。
    The deals include expansion of a free-trade agreement, cooperation on environmental protection and plans for China to build and launch a communications satellite for Pakistan.

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