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 通信周期 添加此单词到默认生词本
[通信][计] communication cycle

  1. 若一个组中的各个节点在每个通信周期内都连通,可以断定这是一个隐组。
    If every two nodes in a group are connected at every time, we can deduce that these nodes are in a hidden group.
  2. 实控结果表明较好地解决了因通信周期较长而导致实时控制不好的难题。
    It proved that the method can solve the problem of bad real-time control performance caused by long communication period.
  3. 分析并统一系统中的网络通信周期、控制器扫描周期、功能块周期信息,作为模型的采样周期
    Then the controller scan cycle, the network communication cycle and cycles of particular function blocks in control system are analyzed and unified into a whole, served as the scan cycle of the model.

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