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 通俗歌曲 [tōng sú gē qǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
popular songs

  1. 他过去常听通俗歌曲,但现在他听民歌。
    He used to listen to the pop songs, but now he listens to the folk songs.
  2. 散曲是歌词,而且是通俗歌曲的歌词,它的特性是:娱乐性、世俗性和谐谑性。
    The Verse is words of songs and the words of pop songs whose character is amusing, worldly and jokingly.
  3. 作品《冰封之月》和《末日同盟》的小样先后被《我爱摇滚乐》和《通俗歌曲》杂志采用。
    Work, "Frozen Moon" and "Doomsday alliance" of the sample has been "I love rock and roll" and "popular music" magazine used.

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