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go around
go back and forth

  1. 没有一个贼回来。
    Not a single thief inside.
  2. 那里常是寂寂的,寂寂的,不论什么时候,你向巷中去,都如宁静的黄昏,可以清晰地听到自己的足音。
    There is nothing but stillness there. At any hour of the day, you can even distinctly hear in the dusk-like quiet your own footsteps.
  3. 但是,知情者也会反制藏宝者的防卫行为:要是藏宝者在场,牠们就不会直接朝藏宝处过去,而是在一旁静待藏宝者走开,一段距离后才下手。
    But the knowers also guarded against the defensive behavior of the cache makers: they did not go directly to the caches in their presence but waited until they were at some distance.

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