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leap up
jump up

  1. 时不时的还有飞鱼出水面,沿波滑翔。
    Occasionally, flying fish broke the surface of the water, gliding along the waves.
  2. 奇怪的是这个想法从未阻止我同塔尼亚跳到这些时髦酒吧里去。
    The strange thing is it never spoiled me trotting around to the swell bars with her like that.
  3. 委内瑞拉声称自己有全球最多的石油储量,并且全球第四大流量的河川──奥利诺科河(Orinoco),但最近却被迫节约水电供应。
    A country that has claimed the world’s biggest oil reserves and is home to its fourth-mightiest river, the Orinoco, has recently been forced to ration both water and electricity.

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