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 踌躇满志的 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 可是所罗门·吉尔斯在谈到海洋的时候,却露出内心暗暗欣喜的神态,搓着手,并且怀着难以形容的踌躇满志的心情看着周围的航海物品。
    Solomon Gills rubbed his hands with an air of stealthy enjoyment, as he talked of the sea, though; and looked on the seafaring objects about him with inexpressible complacency.
  2. 从这支前哨部队的材料中我们可以窥见这几个世纪以来,阿富汗的占领者们的真实感受:从一开始盲目的踌躇满志,到之后逐渐认清现实,再到最终彻底的失望。
    The dispatches from this outpost represent in miniature the audacious ambitions gradual disillusionment and ultimate disappointment that Afghanistan has dealt to occupiers over the centuries.
  3. 我是一个专门报道奥巴马的报社记者,我很好奇他踌躇满志的样子是否在表演呢?他真的会在此地使自己的名字闻名全国吗?
    I was a newspaper reporter covering Obama, and I was wondering if his strut was something of an act. Would he really make a national name for himself here?

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