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 踏板行程 [tà bǎn xíng chéng添加此单词到默认生词本
[车辆] pedal travel

  1. 当此间隙过大时,脚踏板行程过长操作不便;
    When the gap is too large when the pedal is too long to operate air travel inconvenience;
  2. 制动踏板移至汽车底板:发生这种情况时,由于整个踏板位移,不能提供满意的制动,意味着没有踏板行程余量。
    When this happens, it means that there is no pedal reserve, since full pedal movement does not provide adequate Braking.
  3. 制动踏板移至汽车底板:发生这种情况时,由于整个踏板位移,不能提供满意的制动,意味着没有踏板行程余量。
    Brake pedal goes to floor Board. When this happens, it means that there is no pedal reserve, since full pedal movement does not provide adequate Braking.

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