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 踌躇不前 [chóu chú bù qián添加此单词到默认生词本
hang back
hesitate to move forward
hesitate to take a move

  1. 是由于放款人犹豫不决,还是由于借款人踌躇不前
    Is this down to a reluctance to lend, or to borrow?
  2. 我在小径上踌躇不前,直到你的樱花落英缤纷,但是,我的爱呀,杜鹃花却为我送来你的宽恕。
    I lingered on my way till thy cherry tree lost its blossom, but the azalea brings to me, my love, thy forgiveness.
  3. 我在小径上踌躇不前,直到你的樱花落英缤纷,但是,我的爱呀,杜鹃花却为我送来你的宽恕。
    I lingered on my way till thy cherry tree lost its blossom, the azalea brings to me, my love, thy forgiveness.

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