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 老千 [lǎo qiān添加此单词到默认生词本
The War of Flower(电影名)

  1. 这种东西在沿海地区使用的比较泛滥,很多老千在用。
    This kind of thing in coastal areas used more flooding, many in use.
  2. 这个洗牌手法一般老千都会,洗得熟练的人外行很难看得出破绽,不过要洗好得要有诀窍性长期练习。
    This shuffling techniques are generally good, washed skilled people lay very ugly that flaws, but to wash too good to have the knack of long-term exercise.
  3. 今天我打牌的时候出了点老千让我男朋友赢,以免他一输牌就把手里的牌扔在我脸上。
    Today, I cheated at card games to let my boyfriend win. I did it because I don't like him to throw the cards at me when I win.

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