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 老化测试 添加此单词到默认生词本
aging test
burn-in test
accelerated aging

  1. 所有出厂产品老化测试,确保使用的可靠性。
    All the products are passed the aging test before consignment. Insure the reliability for use.
  2. 本文述评了国外在绝缘老化测试和统计方面已取得的成果;
    This paper presents the main achievements made abroad in the field of the diagnostic and statistic of insulation…
  3. 供工矿企业、化验室、科研单位等作干燥、烘焙熔蜡、灭菌作用,高温老化测试
    Provided to industrial and mining enterprises, laboratories and scientific research institutes for desiccation, torrefaction, wax-melting and sterilization.

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