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 老丈人 [lǎo zhàng ren添加此单词到默认生词本
a man's father-in-law

  1. 老丈人又问:“她为啥同这个生疏男人搂抱在一起?!”
    The father-in-law asks again: "Is she together with cuddle of this new man for what?! ! !"
  2. 今天看了一篇有意思的博客,有个人曾经给三个皇帝做过老丈人
    I read an interesting blog, a man had been fathers-in law for three emperors .
  3. 大骗子,你好慷慨啊。如果你老丈人来画你老婆的裸体呢?这个世界还是有道德的好不?实际点儿!
    You are so generous, phony. Is it okay for your father-in-law to paint your wife naked? We have some morals in this world. Be realistic!

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