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 老伴儿 [lǎo bànr添加此单词到默认生词本
husband or wife

  1. 他和他67岁的老伴儿葛年军上个月搬进来的。
    He and his wife, Ge Nianjiu, 67, moved in last month.
  2. 《华盛顿邮报》说,鲍威尔暗示辞职的主要原因是“想多陪老伴儿”。
    The Post said Powell indicated a commitment made to his wife was a key factor.
  3. 不容老伴儿说完,李老三穿完衣服,已经出了门,门口的冷风嗖嗖的往人的脖颈子里灌。
    Having children should not be his wife, Li Lao three finished clothes to wear, has been out the door, the door of the cold wind, to the person in the neck of the irrigation house.

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