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 老人家 [lǎo ren jia添加此单词到默认生词本
grand old man

  1. 规律的膳食居家递送服务是确保老人家与他人保持联系的一个关键环节。
    Regular delivery of meals to the home is key to ensuring older people have regular contact with others.
  2. 国家饮食护理协会发现对于老年人所需营养的知识缺乏认知确,加上雇用来照顾老人的照顾工并不需经过官方检查,这使得老人家置身风险之下。
    The NACC report found there is a lack of awareness about the right nutrition for older people, with many older at risk as those hired by direct care do not need official checks.
  3. 大爷:我老人家一开始也是很怀疑的。但是这个是事实。这个发现可以被反复验证,我们正在等待别的实验是的验证。
    L.M.:Well, I was skeptical myself in the beginning. But these are facts. The findings are very reproducible and we are waiting for confirmation by other labs.

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