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 老一套 [lǎo yí tào添加此单词到默认生词本
the same old stuff
the same old story
an outmoded method

  1. 他们提出老一套的借口为自己的懈怠辩解。
    They served up the same old excuse for their slackness.
  2. 僵硬的等级制度中老一套统治和服从关系已经站不住脚。
    The old patterns of subordination and domination in an inflexible hierarchy may no longer work well.
  3. 僵硬的等级制度中老一套统治和服从关系已经站不住脚了。
    Where the old patterns of subordination and domination in an inflexible hierarchy may no longer work well.

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