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 石油炼厂 [shí yóu liàn chǎng添加此单词到默认生词本
[油气] petroleum refinery

  1. 虽然石油炼厂加工生物质原料尚存在一些问题,但近来开发势头十分强劲。
    Despite these challenges, the momentum of developing technologies in processing pioneers in refineries is robust.
  2. 为了消除污染,资源回收利用,进行了用硫酸的催化炭化作用将石油炼厂废水污泥制做活性炭的研究。
    The granular activated carbon can be produced using the carbon cinder carbonized from wastewater sludges by KHCO3 activation.
  3. 以胜利炼厂石油焦、常压渣油为原料制备了石油焦基浆液燃料。
    In order to replace the oil-fired in boilers and to utilize the petroleum coke, a new fuel-petroleum coke-based slurry(coke oil slurry, COS) is developed.

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