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 石油组成 添加此单词到默认生词本
petroleum composition

  1. 石油组成与其形成、演化和保存有着必然联系。
    Petroleum is related to the form, evolvement and preservation of it.
  2. 问题的中心在于,一瓶水是由世界上最宝贵的两类资源——石油和水组成。 “水工业非常渴望表达出自己对环境的重视,并表示自己在尽最大努力解决这些问题。”
    At the heart of the matter is what bottled water is actually made of, oil and water; the world's two most precious resources, in one neat package.
  3. 为了研究生物降解对石油组成的效果和控制,本文分析了辽河盆地的一系列石油和岩石抽提物样品。
    A suite of oils and reservoir extracts from the Liaohe basin, NE China, was analyzed to investigate the effects and controls of biodegradation on petroleum composition.

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