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 石油焦 添加此单词到默认生词本
[油气] petroleum coke

  1. 中石化6月1日起统一上调液化石油气、石油焦、重油等产品售价,上涨幅度在每吨100元以上。
    Sinopec has raised the prices of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), petroleum coke and heavy oil, by more than RMB100 per ton from June 1.
  2. 石油焦煅烧工序是预焙阳极生产中的的首道工序,它对预焙阳极的质量有着重要的影响。
    The petroleum coke calcined procedure is chiefly in production of prebaked-anode, it has important effect to the quality of the prebaked-anode.
  3. 石油焦与烟煤掺混在煤粉锅炉里进行燃烧,使燃烧特性变得复杂,甚至使锅炉燃烧效率下降。
    When the pulverized coal blended with petroleum coke is burned in the boiler, the combustion characteristics would becomecomplicate, even the combustion efficiency of boiler would decline.

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