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 石油生成 添加此单词到默认生词本
oil genesis

  1. 提出了石油生成和迁移的另一种理论。
    An alternative theory of generation and migration of petroleum is introduced.
  2. 由于低成熟石油生成沉积环境的差异,因而可能具有的某些与沉积环境相关的特征生物标志化合物也可能有所不同。
    Due to different environments of low mature oil generation, the oils have different characteristic biomarkers that are correlated with some sedimentary environments.
  3. 以碳、硫同位素在石油生成演化过程中的分馏作用为基础,对塔里木盆地原油、油源对比进行了探讨。
    Based on the fractionation of carbon and sulfur isotopes in the process of petroleum generation and evolvement, the crude oils and their sources in the Tarim Basin have been discussed.

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