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 石油生产工程 添加此单词到默认生词本
msc petroleum production engineering

  1. 首先,伴随高价的是生产成本的剧增,譬如石油钻塔的钢材成本、矿业工程师的更高薪水等等。
    For one thing, they were accompanied by big increases in production costs—everything from the cost of steel in oil rigs through to higher wages for mining engineers.
  2. 挪威最大的石油与天然气生产商StatoilHydro(一个国家部分控股的企业)同样在策划几项优化气候的工程项目。
    StatoilHydro, the partly state-owned firm that is Norway's biggest oil and gas producer, also has several climate-friendly projects under way.
  3. 石油钻井工程是一个复杂的人-机-环境系统,生产过程中存在着各种不确定因素。
    Petroleum drilling project is a complex human-machine-environment system, so there are various uncertain factors in the process of production.

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