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 电压波形 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] voltage waveform

  1. 开关器件的导通和关断都需要一定的时间,这使理想输出电压波形中的窄脉冲难于硬件实现。
    The connection and break of switch devices all need a little time, thus the narrow pulse of the ideal output voltage waveform is difficult to realize.
  2. 该文将介绍几种常用可控整流电路晶闸管两端承受电压波形的数字计算机仿真。
    The paper introduces some of en used computer simulation for thyristor's voltage waveform between anode and cathode of controlled rectification circuit.
  3. 由于直流电压源的钳位作用,交流侧输出电压波形为矩形波,并且与负载阻抗角无关。
    Because the clamp effect of DC voltage source, AC side output the rectangular wave voltage waveform, and it has nothing to do with the load impedance angle.

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