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 电压相量 添加此单词到默认生词本
voltage vector
voltage phasor

  1. 以频域阻抗串并联代数分析法求得仪器负载上相量电压与电源相量电压比之转换函数,此转换函数与电源电压波形经快速富氏转换所得频谱之积,再以快速反富氏转换求得量测仪器负载上之电压波形。
    Algebra equations of series and parallel of impedance are used to obtain the frequency domain transfer function or ratio of phaser voltage on load of test equipment to the phasor voltage of source.
  2. 分析了自耦调压移相变压器的电压、电流、磁势相量的关系,得到了各参数间的代数关系及各绕组的磁势平衡关系。
    The vector relation among voltage,current and magnetic potential in phase shift regulating auto-transformer are analyzed.The parameter algebraic relation and the winding magnetic potential relation are gained.
  3. 摘要分析了自耦调压移相变压器的电压、电流、磁势相量的关系,得到了各参数间的代数关系及各绕组的磁势平衡关系。
    The vector relation among voltage, current and magnetic potential in phase shift regulating auto-transformer are analyzed. The parameter algebraic relation and the winding magnetic potential relation are gained.

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