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 电压系数 [diàn yā xì shù添加此单词到默认生词本
voltage coefficient

  1. 由小讯号分析可推导出正电源电压系数和负电源电压系数的公式。
    A small signal analysis is presented to derive the positive and negative coefficients.
  2. 非常高阻值电阻的电压系数通常都很大,所以用恒压法进行测量会更加有意义。
    Very high resistances tend to have large voltage coefficients; therefore, measurements made with a constant voltage are more meaningful.
  3. 在选定的电压下进行测量,就可以得到电阻与电压的曲线,并可以决定“电阻的电压系数”。
    By testing at selected voltages, a resistance vs. voltage curve can be developed and a “voltage coefficient of resistance” can be determined.

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