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 电压电流表 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] volt-ammeter
[电] voltammeter

  1. 内装万能转换开关、按钮、指示灯、电压表、电流表等元件,可按用户要求特殊加工。
    Built-in indicator light, current meter, voltage meter buttons and rotary switch for customers to select.
  2. 在实际使用电压表、电流表测量电压、电流时,因测量仪表的内阻会产生一定的测量误差。
    When the electric voltage and current are measured with voltmeter and ammeter, certain measuring errors could occur due to the inherent resistance.
  3. 星三角式起动箱内装断路器、交流接触器、时间继电器、热继电器、电流互感器、电压表、电流表、转换开关、指示灯等。
    Built-in breaker, AC contactor, time relay, thermal relay, current transformer, voltmeter, ammeter, indicating meter in start-delta type starting box .

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